Thursday, May 28, 2015

Career Leader Assessment

I loved completing my Career Leader Assessment! Although time consuming, I was grateful to see where my strengths are and what I could stand to do better in. Here is an overview of what I got in each section (high to low)....

My Interests:

  • Coaching and Mentoring 
Coaching and Mentoring was crazy high! I got a 96, and the next section below I only got a 56. Wow!

My Key Motivators:

  • Altruism
  • Lifestyle
  • Positioning
I am not at all surprised by this result. I truly value altruism above most things! As I coontinue in the business world, I want to change things for good. I need to work for a company, or create a company that helps people, animals, and the environment. It is incredibly important to me. 

Lifestyle and Positioning are a close second and third. My main goal in life is to be a wife and mother so I would need a job that coincides with this. I am also an avid planner which explains Positioning being a key motivator as well. 

My Key Skills:

  • Openness to Criticism
  • Oral Communication 

I am a person who likes to speak their mind. If I am stewing in thought, I will just bust! So I appreciate oral communication whether positive or negative. It is important to me to get things off my chest and remain relatively open. However, I am not prideful. I am open to criticism that helps me on my journey through the business world, and through life.

My TOP Career Matches:

  • Human Resource Management 96
  • Training and Organizational Development 96
  • Project Management 96
  • Strategic Planning 95
  • Entrepreneurship 94
  • Law 91
  • Non-Profit Management 88
  • Public Relations and Communications 88
Some of these results surprised me. I never knew I had a high match for Law! I thought that was really cool. I really appreciated taking this assessment because it helped me kind of narrow down which direction I would like to head in. I am currently completing an entrepreneurial emphasis, so I think I am right where I need to be for now. 

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