Thursday, May 7, 2015

Personal Constitution

Who am I?

  • I enjoy helping other people
  • I am a good listener
  • Typically witty
  • I like organization
  • I look at the big picture
  • I relatively enjoy public speaking
  • I have a strong desire for knowledge
  • I am sometimes insecure
  • I most often take the initiative/ lead on projects
  • Open to new ideas/things
  • I dream big
  • Lazy sometimes/not always willing to hustle
  • Although sometimes I am 100% in it to win it
  • I am creative
  • Motivated by my family/future family/the common good
  • Sometimes put too much on my plate; become stressed/overwhelmed

Who do I want to become?

  • I want to be a part of an organization that helps other people
  • I want to be more courageous
  • I want to be more confident/risk taker
  • I want to be a kinder, softer person 
  • I  want to get my degree and continue to further my education
  • I want to become financially stable
  • I want my voice to be heard
  • I  want to be more protective about my beliefs and stand stronger
  • I want to travel and immerse myself in  culture and knowledge
  • I want to raise children and teach them good morals 
  • I want to be a more intellectual person 
I have noticed that the primary attribute that will get me from point A to point B is confidence. Truthfully, I have come a significantly long way in terms of confidence, but if I want to achieve my goals I need to continue to build and grow. This semester I have been trying to put myself out there and try new things. I have noticed that the more I push, the stronger my confidence grows. This world is scary, but I know that the only person who can help me is, me. Therefore, I am going to continue to push myself and discover where my true potential lies. 

Another clear attribute that will help me transition into who I want to become is hard work. I have noticed that I thrive when I am busier. I truly enjoy going to school, getting my education, and studying all this world has to offer. There are times when the natural man takes over me and I become lazy; shirking on my goals and responsibilities. In order to succeed, I need to fight that urge and work harder. I am trying to spend less time being idle and filling my time with more substantial activities. 

I think goal setting is the best way for me to become the person I want to be. If I strive to work on my small goals; those everyday things; I will be able to come closer to this person. 

My Top 5 Priorities (at this point in my life): 

  • I want to be more courageous
  • I want to be a more intellectual person 
  • I want to be more confident/risk taker
  • I want my voice to be heard
  • I  want to be more protective about my beliefs and stand stronger

  • In order for me to adapt these attributes I will (as I said before) work harder and grow my confidence. I think by putting myself out there, and practicing speaking out and speaking up often, I can achieve this persona. I will achieve these things because the only direction I care to go in is onward and upward. If I am not working on achieving these things, I am not progressing. Therefore I will work on these things and I will succeed. 

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