Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 4

Today's class we had our first guest speaker! He was a few years older than us, and he is an entrepreneur who has created 3 businesses. He made some really great points that I jotted down:

  • THINK like an entrepreneur
  • "Be anxiously engaged"
  • Just START
  • Instead of what do I want out of life?....What does LIFE want out of ME?
I really enjoyed hearing from a real entrepreneur's perspective who is close in age, and not too far from where we will all be in a few years. 

We also watched a video from "Launching Leaders" which described the 3 Tools for Success, or something along those lines....

  • The Tri-quation
  • The Productivity Pyramid
  • The Personal Constitution
The "Tri-quation" is made up of Self Esteem, Productivity, and Event Control. It shows how the three work together in business. 

The Productivity Pyramid is something we read last week which begins with Governing Tasks at the bottom, then Long-term goals, Short-term goals, and works its way up to the top at Daily Tasks. I find the pyramid really useful when I am trying to get my thought organized. 

The Personal Constitution I wrote down previously in a recent blog post. It is an essential tool as I experience my entrepreneurial journey. 

Class was really interesting today, and I really enjoyed the readings and videos we had the opportunity to watch outside of class. We watched a video where he described that finding a job that you were "born to do" is one of the most difficult things. I am excited to continue to learn and grow the confidence I need to hold my head high as I walk through my entrepreneurial journey. 

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