Thursday, May 14, 2015

"A Disciple Preparation Center (DPC)" Elder Bednar

Characteristics of the Disciple Preparation Center (BYU-Idaho)

 (1) This institution of higher education is a temple of learning.
(2) this institution will be located next to a holy temple, even a House of the Lord.
(3) this institution is surrounded by strong stakes of Zion.

Elder Bednar says, "For a member who desires a temple recommend and for a student who wishes to enter into one of the temples of learning, there is a standard of worthiness." An education of higher learning is one that requires more and evokes a higher standard. Especially at BYU-Idaho, students are held to a higher esteem. Their personal commitment changes the efficiency of education. 

Having a house of the Lord on campus positively changes the perspective of students."The temple as a quiet but consistent reminder in our midst of the centrality of Jesus Christ and of the immortality of the soul cannot but elevate the quality of our education and the depth and beauty of our associations." Having that constant reminder keeps students aligned with their goals and aware of the bigger picture. I know that for me, I have a beautiful view of the temple from my apartment complex. Everyday I look at the temple and remind myself of my intentions and my purpose. I love that I have a  temple so close and readily available to me. I can say with assured mind that the temple brings me peace and is a beacon of hope up on that hill here in  Rexburg. 

The strong stakes of Zion  here in Rexburg, Idaho have changed my testimony and my life. As a member of a part-member family, from an incredibly small Mormon-populated area, I have enjoyed my time here at school immensely. The opportunity to study and grow with like-minded saints has improved my personal life as well as  my education. I feel comfortable and inspired here. 

Elder Bednar describes three lessons he hopes we will take away from our time here at the disciple preparation center (BYU-Idaho.)

Lesson (1) A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son of God.
Lesson (2) A disciple recognizes that faith in the Savior is a spiritual gift and appropriately seeks for that gift in his or her life.
Lesson (3) A disciple’s faith in the Savior and spiritual preparation dispel fear. 

I thought it was interesting that every lesson Elder Bednar described was centered around the Savior Jesus Christ. It was not surprising because our lives, every aspect of them, should revolve around our Savior and his great Atonement. I am so  glad I read this talk because it reminded me to keep my mind in perspective of what I value most. I often get overwhelmed by school, work, the future, etc. And sometimes I forget to remember the Savior and my Heavenly Father. I was put on this earth to learn, grow, and ultimately return to my Heavenly Father. Therefore I need to be involving myself in activities that will get me there. Those are the most important and need to be at the top of my daily task list. 

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