Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Deconstructing Fears

Worst Case Scenario:

My worst fear is getting stuck in a boring, dead end job, being married to a deadbeat husband, and setting a bad example for my children after choosing not to pursue my calling for whatever reason. This sort of life is one that I see a lot of  my family members possessing. This fear has been deep-seated in me for quite a while and it is my ultimate goal to lead a very different life from that of my family members.

My Fears:

1. Disappointing my parents

2. Failing in my chosen career

3. Living a boring life

4. Not living up to my potential 

Deconstructing my Fears:

1. I know that my parents have never really been disappointed in me, but this is an irrational fear I have. I need to remember that they are proud and I need to stop worrying so much about what they think of me. 

2. I need to recognize that failure is a part of life and it is a part of success. It s important to allow failure  to happen so I can learn from past business decisions and grow from those experiences. 

3. The solution to this fear, almost seems easy. My life won't be boring if I choose to make it exciting and fulfilling. As I go about my endeavors, I should always be working hard and keeping my motives in mind. 

4. The most important part to living up to my potential is to work hard, stay humble, and NEVER give up. It is easy to get off track and to lose faith, but in order to avoid this fear, I need to avoid losing faith. 

Way Back  to the Status Quo:

1. If I did disappoint my parents, I think it  would be difficult to not let it affect me. But, the best thing for me to do would be to pray for  guidance and peace, then get out there and make them proud. I would prove them wrong and show them how successful I am.

2. If I did fail in my chosen career the best thing to do would be to get up and try again. I think I would re-evaluate my choices, and then create a plan of action. Where do I go from here? Failing would just give me the chance to try again and be better.

3. Hm, if I lead a boring life, the solution is, it is never too late to change! I would go over my bucket list, and my goal list and start working on making my dreams come true! It is never too late to dream a new dream. 

4. I believe this one is similar to the last one as well. It is never too late! If I am not living up to my potential, I can change. Whether I need to quit my job and find a new one, or start using my talents more often, I can make it happen if I just set my mind to it. 


1. If you pursue your calling discipline, intentionally, and the help of your fellow travelers, what are the chances that your worst case scenario will ever happen?

My worst case scenario is less likely to happen if I am diligently pursuing my calling. I believe with hard work, the right motives, and some help, I will be able to achieve success. Even if I do suffer failure, the blow  wont't be detrimental because I will have support and I will know where to go from there.

2. As you look at your fears, what themes emerge? What is at the core of what you really fear? 

Failure. My truly worst fear is failing. Failing my parents, failing in my career, failing to unleash my potential--failure.

3. What is the risk of taking no action--not following your calling? How do you plan to deal with fear on your entrepreneurial journey? 

It is high risk to not  following my calling. I truly wouldn't live up to all that I am capable of, and I would lead a unfulfilled life--two of my biggest fears.
As I go through my entrepreneurial journey, I am going  to recognize my fears and conquer them. If I am scared of something occurring, or not occurring, I will just make it happen. I will work to reverse whatever it is that I fear. I will look at fear, and remember that I am so much more than my fears. I will remind myself that I have the ability and potential to achieve whatever it is that I set my mind to.

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