Thursday, May 28, 2015

Career Leader Assessment

I loved completing my Career Leader Assessment! Although time consuming, I was grateful to see where my strengths are and what I could stand to do better in. Here is an overview of what I got in each section (high to low)....

My Interests:

  • Coaching and Mentoring 
Coaching and Mentoring was crazy high! I got a 96, and the next section below I only got a 56. Wow!

My Key Motivators:

  • Altruism
  • Lifestyle
  • Positioning
I am not at all surprised by this result. I truly value altruism above most things! As I coontinue in the business world, I want to change things for good. I need to work for a company, or create a company that helps people, animals, and the environment. It is incredibly important to me. 

Lifestyle and Positioning are a close second and third. My main goal in life is to be a wife and mother so I would need a job that coincides with this. I am also an avid planner which explains Positioning being a key motivator as well. 

My Key Skills:

  • Openness to Criticism
  • Oral Communication 

I am a person who likes to speak their mind. If I am stewing in thought, I will just bust! So I appreciate oral communication whether positive or negative. It is important to me to get things off my chest and remain relatively open. However, I am not prideful. I am open to criticism that helps me on my journey through the business world, and through life.

My TOP Career Matches:

  • Human Resource Management 96
  • Training and Organizational Development 96
  • Project Management 96
  • Strategic Planning 95
  • Entrepreneurship 94
  • Law 91
  • Non-Profit Management 88
  • Public Relations and Communications 88
Some of these results surprised me. I never knew I had a high match for Law! I thought that was really cool. I really appreciated taking this assessment because it helped me kind of narrow down which direction I would like to head in. I am currently completing an entrepreneurial emphasis, so I think I am right where I need to be for now. 

What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?

I am constantly recognizing and remembering how blessed I am in my life. So many people have it so much worse than I do. I have been blessed with the gospel, a wonderful family, and abundant opportunities to grow and learn as a person. However, I have had my  experiences with trial, and through them, I believe I have grown stronger.

My first greatest accomplishment, is coping with being a a member of the church. I know that sounds strange, but let me explain. I come from a part-member family. My mother is a member of the LDS church and my father is not. My 2 younger brothers are split up in the same regard as well. My parents are happily married, and I have the best family ever! However, as the oldest child, I have always struggled with my identity. Sometimes I feel like I am not good enough to be at church because of my family situation. Other times, I feel like  my dad is upset and I cannot talk to him as freely about my life and my decisions as I wish I could. This struggle is ongoing, but I consider this an accomplishment because, although one of the closest people in my life is not really in my corner, I have remained steadfast and strong. I am able to go about my business in the church and I set an example for my father. He sets an example for me as well. I am proud to be his daughter and I love him with all my heart. This struggle I believe, has made me a more loving, understanding person, and I am grateful for the lessons I learn as I continue journeying in this life with my family and with the gospel by my side.

My  second greatest accomplishment , which goes hand and hand with my first, is travelling and attending a school across the country. I am well aware that I have not come the farthest to BYU-Idaho, but the distance is significant to me. My dad and most of  my family do not understand my reasoning for attending a church school so far from home. I am from the South Shore of Massachusetts, born and raised. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower, and through Ellis Island. We are very much new England bred through and through. That being said, it was the most difficult thing I could do to leave behind what I know and come out west. It was a decision I had to make for myself and courageously tell my parents and act on. I know my father struggles with the distance, and it hurts me to make a decision that hurts him, but  I knew that this is the place for me right now.

My third, and in my opinion greatest accomplishment so far, is overcoming depression and a serious eating disorder. Less than two years ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I had been struggling with a wide range of eating disorders and I was underweight. I consider myself an intelligent person, so I could not understand why I was being so stupid. I won't  get into the awful details but essential I pulled myself out of a dark hole  on my own. I did not have as much support as I wish I had because those close to me, had no experience with the situation I was going through. I called a therapist, got help for my ED, and tried to rebuild my life. However, I fell into the hole once again.  There came a week that I could not get out of bed. I would binge eat and then starve myself, and I could not stop crying. Over nothing! I knew I needed help. So I called my therapist and explained what was going on. She met with me right away and diagnosed me with clinical depression. I was at a state school at the time and I swiftly made the difficult decision to withdraw and move back home. It was so hard telling my parents. They are supportive and loving, but they have no idea how to deal with their crazy daughter. Moving back home and experimenting with different antidepressants took longer than I had hoped and it was a difficult year. However, I came out on top. Depression is a lifelong battle, but I have grown so much as a person and I am more skilled at managing my disease. I am proud of what I have done.

I think in all of my accomplishments I have showed a trend of courage, persistence, and diligence. I recognize that living life guided by the spirit is the only way to go for me. I do not always have the support I wish I had, but despite that, I beat on; continuing to live in what I know to be right.

What does disciple leadership mean to you and what are you doing to continue the process of becoming a disciple leader?

I believe disciple leadership is accurately represented by most of our church leaders, prophets, and the Savior. The actual definition of a disciple is to be a follower of Christ. The definition of a leader is obviously  one who leads others into success (preferably.)

To me, a disciple leader is honest in all of their doings. Some characteristics that come to mind  of a disciple leader are compassionate, service-oriented, diligent, resourceful, and persistent.  A disciple leader has the bigger picture in mind, and carefully evaluates and makes decisions based on their core values. Our ultimate example of a disciple leader is Jesus Christ. By following his example, we too can become disciple  leaders. Christ led with compassion, but he was also firm and persistent in his message. Christ used what he had; he used his talents and serviced his fellowman. Persecution raged, but Christ remained diligent in what he knew to be true. All of these characteristics and examples taken from Christ's life can be related back to business.

Personally, I believe I have a long way to go on my disciple leadership path. To continue my growth process, I will stay in school and gain as much knowledge as I can to prepare myself for what is  really out there in the real world. I would also  like to carefully study Christ's example and write down a list of characteristics that I wish to exemplify. As I go out into the business world, I will remain true to my core values. To ingrain them into my head, I will write them out often, possibly hang the words were I can see them. This will remind and encourage me to be the type of disciple leader Christ wants me to be. When I am in leadership positions, instead of using negative routes, I will lead with love and compassion; still staying persistent and firm in my reasoning.

I believe in today's world, it can be difficult to grow and maintain a disciple persona. The hustle and bustle of everyday life stresses us out and wears us down. Many times, that frustration will come out at work. However, if we constantly remind ourselves of the bigger picture; who we are and where we want to go; I believe that it is easier and a completely attainable goal to become a disciple leader.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What Matters Most to You and Why?

Besides Faith and Family, (which I consider to be at the pinnacle of importance,) I would say that the thing that matters most to me is hard work.

 I have been reading in my 'Introduction to Entrepreneurship' class about the qualities that make up an entrepreneurial journey. These qualities are grouped into categories of skill, character, and luck. The most effective in not only my opinion, but many successful entrepreneurs and business folk, is that character is the most important quality. If you build and maintain a character of persistence and diligence, you are going to succeed. It might not be right away, but it will happen if you are a hard worker and never give up. Although skill and luck definitely come into play on the entrepreneurial journey, I believe it is that mindset of pushing through the difficult times and refusing to give up that births the most successful entrepreneurs.

My parents are two of the most hard working people I know. I am lucky enough to have been raised in that environment and to have learned from their example. I often remark on the cliche, 'you can do anything if you set your mind to it.' This saying rings true in my life. I used to lack the confidence to try new things because I was afraid of not being good enough. The day I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and decided not to let life pass me by, I was able to realize that I just need to push myself in order to experience all the incredible things life has to offer! The idea of getting out of your comfort zone is where the hard work starts. Once you begin pushing out of that bubble, you get a high on working outside of where you feel most comfortable. This is because you are refining your character and growing your knowledge base.

Hard work will get you far in this life. You may not become a millionaire, but you will have success and happiness. Working diligently, persistently, and honestly, will bring you a satisfaction that even money cannot bring. As I have worked hard on certain things in my life such as school, work, overcoming obstacles, etc. I have recognized the blessings that come from working hard. Although I am adament about many things, hard work is a quality that I regard with the highest esteem.

Week 6

This week we focused on mentors and the people that can help us along our entrepreneurial journey.

I have been thinking A LOT about the people in my life and their influence on me. I am surrounded by successful entrepreneurs and business people who teach and inspire me. I am currently trying to customize my linkedin account in order to enter the business world in a graceful, professional way.

I have a few connections that I am going to interview as my mentors. However, I am struggling on finding successful mentors to interview because I am still unsure of which profession I intent to pursue. I think it will be helpful for me to interview some entrepreneurs who are working in fields that interest me and that I can see myself doing someday.

I am also lucky because my mother is a successful marketing manager at a growing software company based out of Plymouth, MA. She has helped me build my resume, learn about the industry, and get connected to others in the business world. I know we should look outside our inner circle and get out  of our comfort zone when looking for mentors, but I still go to my mom for a LOT of business advice.

We had some enjoyable readings that focused on the great importance of growing your network and utilizing it. Business is all about the connections you  have. If you aren't connected, there is no way you are gonna make it in the business world.

Something that has been on my mind lately is the future. Probably my ultimate goal is to fall in love, get married in the temple, and grow a family in Zion. When I consider my entrepreneurial journey, and how that comes into play, I want to make sure that I pursue something that will allow me to work on my ultimate goal. I have been really grateful for the talks, the chapters, and the videos which seem to addresss the balance of work and family. I've noticed the best thing to do in order to keep that balance is time management. Be at work, when you are at work, and be at home, when you are home. It all seems so simple, but it is extremely important and sometimes difficult.

In order to instigate better time management in my life, I am going to work on my schedule and utilizing my time now, so I can be prepared for the future. I have been considering this quality when  I choose my mentors.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Making a Living and a Life" Elder Robbins

Pride is the universal sin. In business there are many different type of people. Elder Robbins, includes the following chart when describing the different type of people in business....

Primary Motivation
Secondary Motivation
 Love  ©
Income  $
 Money  $
Love  ©
 Love of money  $
Indifferent to customers
 Filthy Lucre   $
Harmful to customers
 Filthy Lucre
Harmful to customers and to society, nations destroyed.

This talk was extremely informative to me. I have always wondered when are line crossed in business? In other words, when does your profession also become a sin against God? In my opinion, the best analogy in this talk was "It's a Wonderful Life." Not only is it one of my absolute favorite movies, but it shares an incredible lesson. George Bailey made his decisions based on love for his family, and for his fellowman. Mr. Potter on the other hand, was greedy and money was his primary motivation. Although George was not 'the richest man in town' like Potter, George was much richer. In the end, George is struggling financial and all the people he had helped over the years came and gave him money to help him in his time of need. Those relationships, and that deep Christlike love shared among friends and family, is what made George Bailey so lucky. He had liven his life with 'Love' as his primary motive, and it had blessed him exceedingly.

When I think about going into business, I feel incredibly cautious. Most businesses do not  prioritize love like they prioritize money. It is an unfortunate truth, and it is the reason I am so skeptical about my future profession. I  have begun researching companies that interest me, to see what is their real, core motive. I am drawn to businesses that assist those in third world countries, those with diseases, and those who are homeless. Although I am not completely sure of my exact direction, I know  with assurance that I will choose a career path that's primary motive is 'Love,' because 'Love' is my primary motive. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 5

Do you believe that you have the potential to be great? 

Group 2 shared this great video on discovering the entrepreneur mind set. We only watch Part 1 in class, but I am excited to watch the rest and more of Les Brown's videos on my own.

This week we were given, "13 Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs."

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. First Things First
  4. Think Win/Win
  5. First Seek to Understand
  6. Create Synergy
  7. Sharpen the Saw
  8. Get your Education
  9. Make your Mark
  10. Get Prepared to be of Service
  11. Get up Early
  12. Work Hard
  13. Find Oil
We also discussed how Skill, Character, and Luck come into play on the entrepreneurial journey. From what I concluded, Character is probably the most important aspect of the journey. Entrepreneurs need to have a particular personality that makes them unique. They must be hard working and resilient. Failure is a way of life and for an entrepreneur, failure is even more inevitable because entrepreneurs take risks. Therefore, if you build your character according to entrepreneurial guidelines, you will be more likely to succeed. You only fail when you give up. 

Skill is also incredibly important and, as we said in class, can be intertwined with Character. By building relevant skills, business can increase and success is more reachable. Luck however, is mostly about being in the right place at the right time. It is not as dependable as skills and character which you have the ability to grow and sustain. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Warm Fuzz Cards" Case Study

1. How did Mills’ business benefit by her willingness to listen to advice from others?
Mill originally began her business by making "no occasion" cards. These cards were fun, but Mill was open to constructive criticism and she learned that her targeted audience is looking for more formal occasion cards, such as birthday/wedding/get well etc. 
Mill also had an informal research party in which she invited friends and family to see her cards and vote for what customers actually want. Mill's openness to criticism is the reason her business started to grow. If she had not taken the advice from others she was given, then Mill would not have begun to sell as many cards.   
2. If you were in Mills’ position, would you pursue a path of slower growth or faster growth? Why?
I think if I were in Mill's position I would choose to follow the faster growth path. If Mill plans on having a baby, she will have to devote a lot of her time to motherhood. By delegating some of the responsibilities for "Warm Fuzz" to a new employee, Mill will still be able to be involved with her company, but she won't be overwhelmed trying to meet deadlines and care for her child simultaneously. 
Also, Mill will not have to miss out on that business opportunity with her friend who owns a gift store. It sounds like an excellent opportunity to grow her business seeing as her target audience will be shopping there. 
I can understand Mill wanting to slowly grow her business. She is completely in control. However, it seems that she can still be in control of what she loves most (graphic design) if she hire new employees to help her expand and grow her business. It is an opportunity I would not personally give up. 

3. Given that you had sought faster growth, which of the four areas of possible investment would you target first? Why?
Although all four areas of possible investment are incredibly crucial and important, I think the first to target would be increasing sales and marketing efforts. Mill has a small business, and she is looking to grow. Before she should worry about producing more inventory (although I believe that would need to be the next step,) She needs to get her business's name out there for the awareness factor. She might have great products, but without marketing, no one will know they exist! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mentor Questions

1. When and how did you get involved in your line of work?

2. What are your responsibilities?

3. What is a typical day like for you at work?

4. What do you like most about your line of work? What do you like the least?

5. What talents or skills do you consider crucial in your line of work for success?

6. What would you tell someone just starting out in the business world?

7. Who else would you recommend I connect with?

"Your Whole Souls as an Offering Unto Him" Elder Bednar

Elder Bednar begins his talk, "Today I want to discuss the relationship between the doctrine of Christ and your academic work at Ricks College.  Simply stated, I want to discuss the doctrinal and spiritual reasons for being a diligent student."

This talk was incredibly inspiring to me. Elder Bednar basically said that being a Saint is no excuse to shirk on responsibilities. Just because we have church, service, jobs, classes, and so much more, does not mean we should choose to do less because we are so busy. Elder Bednar says to not choose, "the academic path of least resistance." Education is should be high priority. Ever since I was young, my parents taught me to prolong my education and be a life long learner. Whenever I feel like taking it easy and not trying as hard as I know I can, I think of what is expected of me. It is not just the expectations of my parents, both earthly and heavenly. but of myself. I create high expectations for myself because I know how essential education is in the plan of salvation. 

" The mission of Ricks College has four important and interrelated parts:  
1.  Build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage living its principles.  
 2.  Provide a quality education for students of diverse interests and abilities.  
 3.  Prepare students for further education and employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents.  
4.  Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social and spiritual environment."

Elder Bednar continually mentions the importance of faithfulness and competence. Not only is it important to be faithful but it is important to be diligent. Having faith is one thing, but action on that faith is quite another. As saints we are encouraged to work, and work HARD. That is one aspect of BYU-Idaho that I love. As It says in the mission statement, this school is preparing us for our role as citizens and parents. No matter which role. we need to give it our all. Elder Bednar says that the mission of BYU-Idaho is to provide these resources that are "essential skills for a spiritual, happy, and productive life." 

In this life we need a "mighty heart" and a "strong mind" to make it through. Our education here at BYU-Idaho is preparing us for that and strengthening our heart and mind. An important aspect of this is sacrifice. Sometimes we need to sacrifice in order to grow stronger. Elder Bednar states in his talk that "Our pledge is:  I will give all that I possess, and I am willing to die, if need be, for the gospel of Jesus Christ." Honestly, I Christ made the greatest sacrifice for us, why shouldn't we be able to do the same for him? By devoting your life to Christ, you strengthen your heart and mind remarkably. 

"When young people can acquire the skills, the techniques, and the knowledge of these times, and along with it have a spiritual commitment and a solid faith and cleanliness of life, there is nothing that you can’t achieve; nothing in righteousness or in reason." I loved this quote  Elder Bednar took from Elder Evans. It wrapped up Elder Bednar's talk well, and summarized the importance of living worthily and diligently. 

"A Disciple Preparation Center (DPC)" Elder Bednar

Characteristics of the Disciple Preparation Center (BYU-Idaho)

 (1) This institution of higher education is a temple of learning.
(2) this institution will be located next to a holy temple, even a House of the Lord.
(3) this institution is surrounded by strong stakes of Zion.

Elder Bednar says, "For a member who desires a temple recommend and for a student who wishes to enter into one of the temples of learning, there is a standard of worthiness." An education of higher learning is one that requires more and evokes a higher standard. Especially at BYU-Idaho, students are held to a higher esteem. Their personal commitment changes the efficiency of education. 

Having a house of the Lord on campus positively changes the perspective of students."The temple as a quiet but consistent reminder in our midst of the centrality of Jesus Christ and of the immortality of the soul cannot but elevate the quality of our education and the depth and beauty of our associations." Having that constant reminder keeps students aligned with their goals and aware of the bigger picture. I know that for me, I have a beautiful view of the temple from my apartment complex. Everyday I look at the temple and remind myself of my intentions and my purpose. I love that I have a  temple so close and readily available to me. I can say with assured mind that the temple brings me peace and is a beacon of hope up on that hill here in  Rexburg. 

The strong stakes of Zion  here in Rexburg, Idaho have changed my testimony and my life. As a member of a part-member family, from an incredibly small Mormon-populated area, I have enjoyed my time here at school immensely. The opportunity to study and grow with like-minded saints has improved my personal life as well as  my education. I feel comfortable and inspired here. 

Elder Bednar describes three lessons he hopes we will take away from our time here at the disciple preparation center (BYU-Idaho.)

Lesson (1) A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son of God.
Lesson (2) A disciple recognizes that faith in the Savior is a spiritual gift and appropriately seeks for that gift in his or her life.
Lesson (3) A disciple’s faith in the Savior and spiritual preparation dispel fear. 

I thought it was interesting that every lesson Elder Bednar described was centered around the Savior Jesus Christ. It was not surprising because our lives, every aspect of them, should revolve around our Savior and his great Atonement. I am so  glad I read this talk because it reminded me to keep my mind in perspective of what I value most. I often get overwhelmed by school, work, the future, etc. And sometimes I forget to remember the Savior and my Heavenly Father. I was put on this earth to learn, grow, and ultimately return to my Heavenly Father. Therefore I need to be involving myself in activities that will get me there. Those are the most important and need to be at the top of my daily task list. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"A Steady Upward Course" Elder Eyring

1. Change is a part of life.
2. God, through prophets, prepared us to expect changes to accelerate in  the world.

These truths were the basis of Elder Eyring's article, which was given only a few days after the 9/11 tragedy. When an act of terrorism shakes the world, it is natural for one to take a step back and re-evaluate one's life. I think Elder Eyring was inspiring the students at BYU-Idaho to dive deep into those thoughts and he was reminding them to "Remember who you are." 
I am so grateful for my opportunity to be here at BYU-Idaho; a university so dedicated and fixated on the progression of education and knowledge. Elder Eyring described the school as an institution which "inspires inquiry and innovation." We are not here to just learn, but to do. Applying that principle to the Business Deptartment, we have multiple resources and opportunities to help us get out into the "real" business world and start applying our knowledge to real life situations and careers. 

Another thought that Elder Eyring shared that really struck me was, "Although we face an increase in challenges, there is another change sweeping the earth. It is a flood of opportunity." I love the idea of looking on the bright side in the case of tradegy. Hard times are here. As the world begins to tear through with chaos and destruction, we as Saints must remember to have strength, peace and joy. It is getting worse, and things are getting scarier, but we have the opportunity to be bright beacons of hope. Whether we are at home, at work, or even at the grocery store, we as Saints are different and people notice. We need to be setting an example and holding fast to our principles as the world degrades further and further into dark chaos. 

I also enjoyed Elder Eyring's definition of, "Spartanism." Elder Eyring describes, "it refers to rigorously self-disciplined and self-restrained. That is part of the spirit of Ricks at Brigham Young University-Idaho—simple, frugal, or austere; courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity." This quote completely embodies the 'spirit of Ricks.' As I have been getting further into my major, I find myself with less 'free' time and with more items to add to my to-do list. But, no matter how busy I am, I feel good knowing that I am progressing towards my goals, and that I am capable of handling more than I ever knew I could. 'I can do hard things' has been a sort of mantra for me as of late. 

With that in mind, I also like to remember the foundation for why I do what I do."Our hearts, fixed on Him and His work, will keep us on course, however the wind blows. We will follow His prophet. We will see the greatest work of our lives as nurturing others as the Savior did. We will see the potential in others as He sees it. We will treat every resource that comes into our hands as a trust from Him. We will see our victories as a gift from Him and so be proof against pride. We will not fear because we will know we are on His errand." 

As I continue on my 'steady, upward course' I will keep the Savior and my Heavenly Father in mind always. They are the reason I have this incredible opportunity to get a quality education. I know that life is full of changes. As I change, and as the world changes, I will look for the opportunities to do good, instead of focus on the negative aspects of change. I know that as a latter-day Saint, I have a lot expected of me. I will prepare now to reach my fullest potential and to do so with dignity and honestly. I am glad I was able to read this incredible talk which inspired me to re-evaluate my choices and set my sights on what is most important to me. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 4

Today's class we had our first guest speaker! He was a few years older than us, and he is an entrepreneur who has created 3 businesses. He made some really great points that I jotted down:

  • THINK like an entrepreneur
  • "Be anxiously engaged"
  • Just START
  • Instead of what do I want out of life?....What does LIFE want out of ME?
I really enjoyed hearing from a real entrepreneur's perspective who is close in age, and not too far from where we will all be in a few years. 

We also watched a video from "Launching Leaders" which described the 3 Tools for Success, or something along those lines....

  • The Tri-quation
  • The Productivity Pyramid
  • The Personal Constitution
The "Tri-quation" is made up of Self Esteem, Productivity, and Event Control. It shows how the three work together in business. 

The Productivity Pyramid is something we read last week which begins with Governing Tasks at the bottom, then Long-term goals, Short-term goals, and works its way up to the top at Daily Tasks. I find the pyramid really useful when I am trying to get my thought organized. 

The Personal Constitution I wrote down previously in a recent blog post. It is an essential tool as I experience my entrepreneurial journey. 

Class was really interesting today, and I really enjoyed the readings and videos we had the opportunity to watch outside of class. We watched a video where he described that finding a job that you were "born to do" is one of the most difficult things. I am excited to continue to learn and grow the confidence I need to hold my head high as I walk through my entrepreneurial journey. 

Deconstructing Fears

Worst Case Scenario:

My worst fear is getting stuck in a boring, dead end job, being married to a deadbeat husband, and setting a bad example for my children after choosing not to pursue my calling for whatever reason. This sort of life is one that I see a lot of  my family members possessing. This fear has been deep-seated in me for quite a while and it is my ultimate goal to lead a very different life from that of my family members.

My Fears:

1. Disappointing my parents

2. Failing in my chosen career

3. Living a boring life

4. Not living up to my potential 

Deconstructing my Fears:

1. I know that my parents have never really been disappointed in me, but this is an irrational fear I have. I need to remember that they are proud and I need to stop worrying so much about what they think of me. 

2. I need to recognize that failure is a part of life and it is a part of success. It s important to allow failure  to happen so I can learn from past business decisions and grow from those experiences. 

3. The solution to this fear, almost seems easy. My life won't be boring if I choose to make it exciting and fulfilling. As I go about my endeavors, I should always be working hard and keeping my motives in mind. 

4. The most important part to living up to my potential is to work hard, stay humble, and NEVER give up. It is easy to get off track and to lose faith, but in order to avoid this fear, I need to avoid losing faith. 

Way Back  to the Status Quo:

1. If I did disappoint my parents, I think it  would be difficult to not let it affect me. But, the best thing for me to do would be to pray for  guidance and peace, then get out there and make them proud. I would prove them wrong and show them how successful I am.

2. If I did fail in my chosen career the best thing to do would be to get up and try again. I think I would re-evaluate my choices, and then create a plan of action. Where do I go from here? Failing would just give me the chance to try again and be better.

3. Hm, if I lead a boring life, the solution is, it is never too late to change! I would go over my bucket list, and my goal list and start working on making my dreams come true! It is never too late to dream a new dream. 

4. I believe this one is similar to the last one as well. It is never too late! If I am not living up to my potential, I can change. Whether I need to quit my job and find a new one, or start using my talents more often, I can make it happen if I just set my mind to it. 


1. If you pursue your calling discipline, intentionally, and the help of your fellow travelers, what are the chances that your worst case scenario will ever happen?

My worst case scenario is less likely to happen if I am diligently pursuing my calling. I believe with hard work, the right motives, and some help, I will be able to achieve success. Even if I do suffer failure, the blow  wont't be detrimental because I will have support and I will know where to go from there.

2. As you look at your fears, what themes emerge? What is at the core of what you really fear? 

Failure. My truly worst fear is failing. Failing my parents, failing in my career, failing to unleash my potential--failure.

3. What is the risk of taking no action--not following your calling? How do you plan to deal with fear on your entrepreneurial journey? 

It is high risk to not  following my calling. I truly wouldn't live up to all that I am capable of, and I would lead a unfulfilled life--two of my biggest fears.
As I go through my entrepreneurial journey, I am going  to recognize my fears and conquer them. If I am scared of something occurring, or not occurring, I will just make it happen. I will work to reverse whatever it is that I fear. I will look at fear, and remember that I am so much more than my fears. I will remind myself that I have the ability and potential to achieve whatever it is that I set my mind to.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Personal Constitution

Who am I?

  • I enjoy helping other people
  • I am a good listener
  • Typically witty
  • I like organization
  • I look at the big picture
  • I relatively enjoy public speaking
  • I have a strong desire for knowledge
  • I am sometimes insecure
  • I most often take the initiative/ lead on projects
  • Open to new ideas/things
  • I dream big
  • Lazy sometimes/not always willing to hustle
  • Although sometimes I am 100% in it to win it
  • I am creative
  • Motivated by my family/future family/the common good
  • Sometimes put too much on my plate; become stressed/overwhelmed

Who do I want to become?

  • I want to be a part of an organization that helps other people
  • I want to be more courageous
  • I want to be more confident/risk taker
  • I want to be a kinder, softer person 
  • I  want to get my degree and continue to further my education
  • I want to become financially stable
  • I want my voice to be heard
  • I  want to be more protective about my beliefs and stand stronger
  • I want to travel and immerse myself in  culture and knowledge
  • I want to raise children and teach them good morals 
  • I want to be a more intellectual person 
I have noticed that the primary attribute that will get me from point A to point B is confidence. Truthfully, I have come a significantly long way in terms of confidence, but if I want to achieve my goals I need to continue to build and grow. This semester I have been trying to put myself out there and try new things. I have noticed that the more I push, the stronger my confidence grows. This world is scary, but I know that the only person who can help me is, me. Therefore, I am going to continue to push myself and discover where my true potential lies. 

Another clear attribute that will help me transition into who I want to become is hard work. I have noticed that I thrive when I am busier. I truly enjoy going to school, getting my education, and studying all this world has to offer. There are times when the natural man takes over me and I become lazy; shirking on my goals and responsibilities. In order to succeed, I need to fight that urge and work harder. I am trying to spend less time being idle and filling my time with more substantial activities. 

I think goal setting is the best way for me to become the person I want to be. If I strive to work on my small goals; those everyday things; I will be able to come closer to this person. 

My Top 5 Priorities (at this point in my life): 

  • I want to be more courageous
  • I want to be a more intellectual person 
  • I want to be more confident/risk taker
  • I want my voice to be heard
  • I  want to be more protective about my beliefs and stand stronger

  • In order for me to adapt these attributes I will (as I said before) work harder and grow my confidence. I think by putting myself out there, and practicing speaking out and speaking up often, I can achieve this persona. I will achieve these things because the only direction I care to go in is onward and upward. If I am not working on achieving these things, I am not progressing. Therefore I will work on these things and I will succeed. 

      Wednesday, May 6, 2015

      Week 3

      This week we discussed 'Honesty and Divine Guidance.'

      My group, (group 1) did a presentation and activity having to do with this assignment. We shared the story of Nephi when he was commanded to build a boat; a task he had never attempted before. His brothers mocked him, telling him he couldn't do it. This story is relevant to the entrepreneurial world. As entrepreneurs, we take risks, and we often think outside the box. We may even be swayed by divine guidance. People will see these things and try to tell us we cannot accomplish our mission. As we know, Nephi did build a boat and that boat brought Nephi and his family safely to America. Nephi chose to listen to divine guidance and he succeeded.

      Honesty in business is essential to a successful, respectful, thriving environment. Honest communication between a business and its customers, or an employer and their employees creates trustworthy relationships. Those relationships make all the difference when it comes to competing companies. If you are not honest in your dealings with customers, they are gonna go to the other guy. It is just that simple.

      I think it is also important to remember that money is not everything. Most dishonest behavior in business has to do with personal gain. What is your motivation? Why do you do what you do? If money is your primary answer, you may want to rethink things.

      We read a couple of great talks, one in particular was Sheri Dew's 'True Blue, Through and Through.' She related the story of Joseph F. Smith standing up for his religion. He had the confidence and integrity to do what was right. I think in business this is important. Let people know who you are and what you are all about.

      A couple of quotes about honesty in business that we used in our presentation and that I enjoyed very much:
      “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” - George Washington.
      ‘If people like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you they will do business with you.” - Zig Zigler.

      Sunday, May 3, 2015

      Magdalena Yesil Case Study

      1. How did Magdalena Yesil’s habit of lifelong learning benefit her career.
      Yesil's habit of lifelong learning was the most important quality that furthered her career. Yesil had the motive of 'being all the way there,' in every situation. She did not let distractions get to her. She stayed focused on her tasks at hand and she had a strong desire to learn all there was to learn. Yesil also recognized that life is hard. Making it to the top is not a  cake walk. Yesil got her degree and put herself out there; absorbing all the knowledge she could and seeking for more learning opportunities. By doing these things, Yesil achieved many successes and grew to have more freedom and opportunities in her life. 
      1. If you were in Yesil’s position, how would you respond to the offer made by USVP?
      Although I cannot speak for Yesil or her particular situation, from my stand point, I think she should not take the offer from USVP. From her story it sounds like Yesil has many options and an ample amount of connections. If Yesil were to continue to lead an entrepreneurial life, she would no doubt thrive. Also, Yesil sounds like she truly enjoys the freedom an entrepreneurial life brings. I think Yesil's happiness accounts for a majority of her decision. 
      1. How would you address the challenges to family life that this kind of career would present to you? Why would you remain or not remain in this type of career?
      Balancing family life, along with having this kind of career is definitely difficult but it is doable. Yesil has stood her ground with her decision not to move out of her home in California. Yesil lives with her husband, two kids, and her mother. She sounds very family-oriented. I believe that it is possible to balance the two lifestyles if you are diligent and committed. If it comes to the point of choosing which of the two is most important, I think most people would say family comes first. For me, family absolutely comes first. If I need to step back at work, or even quit and find a solution that works better with my schedule so I can be with my kids and spend time with my family, then I will do it. But I really believe that if I am willing to work hard, I can have it all. 
      1. Magdalena pondered one more transition from entrepreneur to financier. What would you recommend she consider doing? Why?
      As I said before, I think Magdalena should stay an entrepreneur. Yesil is passionate about working with people and she enjoys her freedom in her working lifestyle. Yesil is a 'life-long learner' and in her position as an entrepreneur, she has the ability to be exposed to many different ideas and projects, furthering her knowledge. I believe that entrepreneurship is a good fit for Yesil.