Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 9

"Leadership" was our topic this week and we had some really insightful readings and an inspirational class today. We read:

  • "Loyalty" by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
  • "Leadership with a Small 'L" by Pres. Kim B. Clark
  • an excerpt from "A Message to Garcia"
  • a summary of "Good to Great"

I think my favorite reading from this week would be "A Message to Garcia." I learned that execution sets a person apart from the crowd and makes them a leader. They say that 90% of anything is showing up, and that extra 10% is execution.

I took so many notes today and I want to share them here so I have a record of them.

  • except the mission & get started
  • be curious
  • sketch out a plan
  • if you need resources, don't be afraid to ask
  • enlist help when needed
  • report back & show your work
  • under promise and over deliver (this one was my favorite!) 
  • expect to make small mistakes
  • put results before schmoozing 
  • replace the negative voices in your head with positive action (I loved this one too!)

  • see your life as a calling
  • become world class at something
  • find a deep burning need you care about
  • surround yourself with good people and good role models
We also discussed being a leader in business and here are some things we discussed in class from the reading:
  • make the mission clear and meaningful
  • set unreasonably high standards
  • align incentives with a few key tasks
  • make all employment conditional 
  • hire leaders who get the  job done
  • put the monkey on their back
  • take time to coach your team 

Also, today's team showed this video which really inspired me to set a personal leadership goal. My goal that I believe will make me a better leader is

push harder and don't give up. I can do more than I  believe I am capable of. 

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