Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Week 8

This week we discussed overcoming obstacles, managing adversary, and a tolerance for ambiguity.

In class we watched a video that really inspired me and I would like to share it here.

This is not the exact video we watched, but it still works. Stephani Victor incorporated her weakness into her strength. She used this devastating occurrence and decided, okay this has happened, what now? I think that kind of attitude is extremely important in all aspects of life. No matter what happens you need to adapt to the change and push forward.

As we continue on in this class, I learn more and more how uncertain life is. You really never know what will happen in your business or your personal life. Therefore  it is important to accept the tools and strengthen your efforts now, in order to become better prepared for disastrous events.

We spent quite a bit of time discussing a tolerance for ambiguity. This mainly means, a lack of decisiveness, or commitment which results from a failure. Set backs will occur. We need to push through those hard times in order to experience the good.

In our groups, we additionally discussed an excerpt from Jeff Sandefer's reading. He talked about essentially faking it until you make it. Be bold; make decisions, even if you are not positive that they are correct. Do not be afriad to make mistakes because that is how we grow.

This week's topic came at just the right time for me. I have been struggling with the idea of failure and the paradox of perfection. After realizing, not just from this incredible class but other recent experiences of mine, that failure is okay and perfection does not exist, I feel much more confident in my abilities as an entrepreneur.

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