Monday, September 14, 2015

Three Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing is considered a dying art. But, it does not have to be! Let's preserve writing  in all its compelling, indispensable glory. Here are a couple tips on improving your writing skills.

1. Do Your Research

Accuracy is essential to any well-written piece. There is nothing more devastating to the reader than discovering you have been mislead by inaccurate information. Additionally, adamantly researching your topic will unearth richer material for your piece. Your credentials as a writer are important in your professional as well as your moral life. Begin with deeply researching your topic. You will familiarize yourself first and foremost, then you will be able to progress towards your piece in full force, with a stronger knowledge and much more criteria to go off of.

2. Outline and edits are not just encouraged... they are necessary!

Jumping into a piece may seem tempting, but structure will get you far. Before you leap into your first draft, be sure to organize your thoughts by creating some sort of outline. Get creative with it! There is not "one size fits all" when it comes to outlining your work. What works for you and your particular style will satisfy your plan and get you started. 

One of the most important aspects of writing is editing. Unfortunately, your first draft will almost never be your last. This does not discredit your ability as a writer; in fact, your persistence will be extremely valuable! Perseverance through edits will strengthen your writing and give you the chance to clean up those sections which are unnecessary. A piece of writing is not a sprint; it is a marathon. Take your time and remain versatile.

3. Practice Makes Perfect!

You have heard it before, and you will hear it again; practice makes perfect! This truth is particularly relevant when it comes to improving your writing skills. The things that we do everyday define us more than those things we do every once in a while. By writing everyday, no matter what length, you are exercising your abilities and refining your skills. Make a goal to write every single day and watch how quickly you receive results. Your awareness will change. Your ability to think and to execute your thoughts on to the paper will grow. I would say the most beneficial thing you could ever chose to do to improve your writing would be to write often. 

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