Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 1

I had my first B183 class; "Introduction to Entrepreneurship," this week. I honestly did not expect to enjoy this class as much as I do! Before this semester started, I was quite nervous. I am finally starting to take classes pertaining to my major, and I was scared I wouldn't be able to handle it. This class has completely changed my perspective. Yes, we have only had one class, but in the class, I started feeling incredibly inspired.
This first unit is about 'The Start up of You.' The questions that kind of started off the conversation are:
  • What is my calling in life?
  • How do I create meaning?
  • In the end, how will I measure my life?
  • What will be my Stars and Stepping Stones?
  • What are some of the important steps I need to take to start a business?
Wow. These questions really got me thinking. I hope that by taking this class, I will be able to answer some of these questions or at least take a step towards answering them. 

Our assignments this week include writing out or 50 item bucket list, achieving our childhood dreams, and our top 3 lists of jobs we want. I am excited to fill this things out and get started! 

This class has got me thinking a lot about my future and where I want to be. I believe I have always had a decent amount of ambition, but when I heard Bro. Nygren's story, of all the different things he has done, and his journey to get there, I felt driven and empowered to continuing forming my own journey. I am so excited to begin creating and refining myself and work hard to achieve the dreams that I have. I heard a really great quote that basically says, when you make a dream the universe conspires to make them come true. 

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