Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Top 3 Jobs

We  have been assigned to brainstorm our top 3 employment jobs. I am also going to list my top 3 entrepreneur jobs that I can see myself doing well in.


  • An executive position at Whole Foods or Trader Joes--or something along those lines. I am an advocate for high quality, organic foods that support and enhance life. I also enjoy these companies because their packaging is environment friendly, and they give back to the community. 
  • A career in marketing/advertising--I consider myself more on the creative aspect of business, and that, to me, means marketing! My mother is a marketing manager at a growing software company, so I have some background knowledge, and I think if I really applied myself I could follow in her footsteps. 
  • Work for a magazine--I've always enjoyed National Geographic, Time, or Fast Company. I would love to become a journalist or a photographer for one of these companies. 


  • Owning my own restaurant--my vision is owning a small cafe/coffee shop. My shop would have locally grown food and support other local businesses. I am also a big supporter of the  arts, so I would have a small stage with regular displays and performances. 
  • Owning my own B&B--or hotel; something along those lines. I have always enjoyed travel, and I would love to create a place that enhances someone's travel experience. 
  • Owning a nonprofit organization--this one is still a little unclear, but I really want to make a difference in the world. Whether it be providing healthy drinking water in third world countries, empowering women to be educated in other countries, or helping the homeless here at home. I am ready to do something that will have a positive impact on others. 
  • Travel journalist--I have always been passionate about both writing and travel. I believe both acts are incredibly refining. I love history, cultures, and most of all the people I meet. 

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