Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Code of Conduct

I will never give up no matter however many times I fail.
I will never treat another customer, employee, or competitor with disrespect.
I will never forget to count my blessings.

I will always be honest with my customers, my employees, and myself.
I will always give it my all.
I will always deliver quality products and service.

Week 2

This week's topic was "Create a Life of Meaning." Our activities the stood out to me were Randy Pausch's last lecture, and our readings from "A Hero's Journey" and "The Ministry of Business."

I love the idea of creating a life that has a purpose. Something that was mentioned was setting intentions with the end goal in mind. The act of doing so, gives direction and meaning to our stars and stepping stones.

Stars = long term goals
Stepping Stones = short term goals 

I am really enjoying this class. I do not think I have ever had  a class that has made me think about my future so often and at such a high magnitude. After setting many important goals of mine (my bucket list,) and narrowing down my job preferences, I feel like I am discovering how I can start 'creating a life of meaning.'

A large part of achieving goals is working on short term goals. To me, these goals currently include:

  • Reading my scriptures morning & night
  • Praying morning and night
  • Exercising 4x per week
  • Going to the temple bi-weekly
  • Practicing my ukulele/guitar everyday
  • Going to church
  • Going too every class
  • Going to church
  • Going to work
  • And of course, passing my homework in on time
Sometimes short term goals seem boring. But I know that they are the key to success. Short-term goals are the stepping stones that help us reach those long-term goals. In order to 'create a meaningful life' we need to be giving 100% everyday.

 In another class today, a girl said something that really inspired me, "Give 100% everyday, but remember your 100% won't be the same everyday." This really struck me, because I am often discouraged when I have an extremely productive day, and then the next day, I feel like I haven't done as much to progress towards my goals. But, it is true. Every day will be different. 

I've noticed a trend in the readings among entrepreneurs. They work hard and they never give up. I have always had this work ethic drilled into my head since I was young, and that is why I am so excited to begin my entrepreneurial journey. Although I am still a little fuzzy on what exactly it is that I want to do, I know that is I set an intention and work hard towards that goal, I will achieve success and 'create a meaningful life.' 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Current Bucket List

  1. Get my Bachelor's.
  2. Get married in the temple.
  3. Have children. 
  4. Get my Master's. 
  5. Grow a garden.
  6. Own a house.
  7. Own a dog. 
  8. Become a certified yoga instructor.
  9. Commit to a volunteer position for at least 1 year.
  10. Complete a "photo-a-day" year long challenge.
  11. Write a book.
  12. Go on a pilgrimage to Israel.
  13. Donate blood.
  14. Learn to crochet.
  15. Learn to sew.
  16. Learn to play the guitar.
  17. Learn to play the ukulele.
  18. Go on a mission.
  19. Backpack Europe for a year.
  20. Read and Study the entire Bible.
  21. Make a candle.
  22. Make my own quality soaps. 
  23. Make a 72 hour kit. 
  24. Get CPR certified.
  25. Try acupuncture.
  26. Take a belly-dancing class.
  27. Take a self-defense class.
  28. See the pyramids in Egypt.
  29. Visit every state in the USA.
  30. Kiss on top of the Eiffel tower.
  31. Go para sailing.
  32. Drive all along the Pacific Coast Highway. 
  33. Visit Ireland.
  34. Visit England.
  35. Eat chocolate in Switzerland.
  36. Hike Machu Picchu. 
  37. Jump into the Pacific Ocean.
  38. Take a pottery class.
  39. Take a painting class.
  40. Learn to play the piano.
  41. Visit the Grand Canyon.
  42. Visit Salzburg, Austria.
  43. Visit NYC during Christmastime.
  44. Visit Italy and eat something delicious.
  45. Attend General Conference in the conference center.
  46. Experience zero gravity.
  47. Run a half marathon.
  48. Go Green!
  49. Go on a humanitarian mission. 
  50. Visit Germany.
  51. Visit Czech Republic.
  52. Visit Greece.
  53. Learn to speak another language.
  54. Visit Finland. 
  55. Visit Redwood National Park.
  56. Float in the Dead Sea.
  57. Ride an elephant. 
  58. Take a hot air balloon ride.
  59. Ride a water taxi in Venice.
  60. Go on an African safari.
  61. Milk a cow.
  62. Travel America by train.
  63. See all the castles in Europe.
  64. Visit the Taj Mahal.
  65. Ride a cable car in San Francisco.
  66. Visit the Louvre Museum.
  67. Hike the Appalachian trail.
  68. Visit Easter island.
  69. Take a cooking class.
  70. Explore the Amazon rain forest.
  71. Visit Tikal. See the mayan pyramids.
  72. Learn ASL.
  73. Stand under the Hollywood sign.
  74. See the Aurora Borealis.
  75. Hang off the CN Tower in Toronto. 
  76. Go  scuba diving.
  77. Take a zip line in Costa Rica.
  78. Go hang gliding over Rio de Janeiro.
  79. Go skydiving.
  80. Master one of my fears.
  81. Ride a camel.
  82. Learn to snowboard.
  83. Own my own business.
  84. Ride in a helicopter.
  85. Ride a motorcycle.
  86. Own a four-wheeler.
  87. Visit the 4 corners.
  88. Visit PEI.
  89. Visit Hawaii.
  90. Learn to wake board.
  91. Sing in front of people.
  92. Go white-water rafting.
  93. Swim in all the Great Lakes.
  94. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
  95. Keep bees.
  96. Keep chickens.
  97. Read all the books on my list.
  98. Watch all the movies on my list.
  99. Write a play.
  100. Eat breakfast at Tiffany's.

My Top 3 Jobs

We  have been assigned to brainstorm our top 3 employment jobs. I am also going to list my top 3 entrepreneur jobs that I can see myself doing well in.


  • An executive position at Whole Foods or Trader Joes--or something along those lines. I am an advocate for high quality, organic foods that support and enhance life. I also enjoy these companies because their packaging is environment friendly, and they give back to the community. 
  • A career in marketing/advertising--I consider myself more on the creative aspect of business, and that, to me, means marketing! My mother is a marketing manager at a growing software company, so I have some background knowledge, and I think if I really applied myself I could follow in her footsteps. 
  • Work for a magazine--I've always enjoyed National Geographic, Time, or Fast Company. I would love to become a journalist or a photographer for one of these companies. 


  • Owning my own restaurant--my vision is owning a small cafe/coffee shop. My shop would have locally grown food and support other local businesses. I am also a big supporter of the  arts, so I would have a small stage with regular displays and performances. 
  • Owning my own B&B--or hotel; something along those lines. I have always enjoyed travel, and I would love to create a place that enhances someone's travel experience. 
  • Owning a nonprofit organization--this one is still a little unclear, but I really want to make a difference in the world. Whether it be providing healthy drinking water in third world countries, empowering women to be educated in other countries, or helping the homeless here at home. I am ready to do something that will have a positive impact on others. 
  • Travel journalist--I have always been passionate about both writing and travel. I believe both acts are incredibly refining. I love history, cultures, and most of all the people I meet. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 1

I had my first B183 class; "Introduction to Entrepreneurship," this week. I honestly did not expect to enjoy this class as much as I do! Before this semester started, I was quite nervous. I am finally starting to take classes pertaining to my major, and I was scared I wouldn't be able to handle it. This class has completely changed my perspective. Yes, we have only had one class, but in the class, I started feeling incredibly inspired.
This first unit is about 'The Start up of You.' The questions that kind of started off the conversation are:
  • What is my calling in life?
  • How do I create meaning?
  • In the end, how will I measure my life?
  • What will be my Stars and Stepping Stones?
  • What are some of the important steps I need to take to start a business?
Wow. These questions really got me thinking. I hope that by taking this class, I will be able to answer some of these questions or at least take a step towards answering them. 

Our assignments this week include writing out or 50 item bucket list, achieving our childhood dreams, and our top 3 lists of jobs we want. I am excited to fill this things out and get started! 

This class has got me thinking a lot about my future and where I want to be. I believe I have always had a decent amount of ambition, but when I heard Bro. Nygren's story, of all the different things he has done, and his journey to get there, I felt driven and empowered to continuing forming my own journey. I am so excited to begin creating and refining myself and work hard to achieve the dreams that I have. I heard a really great quote that basically says, when you make a dream the universe conspires to make them come true.